購物車 0

1:6 or 1:12 振興餐飲組 Sets of Triple Stimulus Vouchers & Fast Food

NT$ 420.00

# 總價值超過十三倍

● 內容物:「振興券」套組、「消費券」9張、漢堡和包裝紙餐盒1份、薯條和包裝兩份、炸雞餐盒、可樂杯、玉米濃湯杯、咖啡杯、生菜沙拉盒、餐墊紙、托盤、番茄醬包、千島醬包、發票、收據 (不含桌子)


💰🍟 Sets of Triple Stimulus Vouchers & Fast Food 🍔🥤

● 1:6 or 1:12 ratios, each $550
● 1:6 + 1:12 Two sets of combined purchase price $1000
    (You can choose the same ratio, if you want to buy multiple sets, it needs to be a multiple of two)

● Contains: one set of triple stimulus vouchers、9 sheets of Consumer Voucher、one set of Burger. Wrapping paper and Burger Box、two kinds of packages of French fries、Chicken nuggets wrapping paper bag、Cups for coke. coffee and corn soup.、Lettuce salad packaging box、Placemat paper、Tray、Tomato sauce bag、Thousand Island dressing bag、Invoice、Receipt.

Option A: one set of 1:6 Stimulus Vouchers & Fast Food.
Option B: one set of 1:12 Stimulus Vouchers & Fast Food.
Option C: 1:6 + 1:12 Stimulus Vouchers & Fast Food Set, one set each.
Option D: two sets of 1:6 Stimulus Vouchers & Fast Food.
Option E: two sets of 1:12 Stimulus Vouchers & Fast Food.

※This product contains " stimulus vouchers and fast food set " created by adaptation and parody for the second creation, and the proportion has been reduced. It is only for decoration and amusement, and cannot be used in the real world.